Protecting Your Kidneys Through The Ways Of Ayurveda

The kidney is the organ that regulates the filtration of toxins from the blood and performs the most important function of keeping the inside of our body tidy. Any damage to kidneys can bring your life in danger. Even if the starting stage of kidney disease is not very troublesome, the progression makes it worst. Nobody likes to spend this life depending upon the medications and ruining this body. It is the primary duty of the person to take care of our body and the organs. Nothing is as precious as this body. Nowadays, the routine and the lifestyle of people affect health in numerous ways. It takes lots of effort to keep this body fit, and a healthy kidney is a key to it. Karma Ayurveda is taking care of many of such unhealthy kidneys each year to provide a sense of relief to the patients. Dr. Puneet Dhawan has taken the initiative through his hospital to educate the people about the risks and issues related to the kidneys and also the positive impact of ayurvedic treatment on the body rather than the dialysis and transplant.

Working of the Kidney:

The two bean-shaped organs and the size of the fist control the hygiene within the body. A kidney can filter about a half cup of blood each minute. It removes waste and forms urine. From the process of filtration to the excretion, there are three parts of the urinary tract involved in the process; these are kidneys, bladder, and the uterus. Once the filtration process is done, the urine flows towards the bladder through two thin muscular tubes known as the ureter. During the process of filtration, many acids get produced by the cells, and the kidneys also help in the removal of such harmful acids. It maintains the balance of minerals like sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium inside our blood, and it also maintains salt and water balance.

Threats to Kidney

As the kidneys perform the most vital function of removing toxins and waste, they are always at risk of getting in danger easily. There are specific threats to kidneys from which we should protect it. Some of these threats are-

Kidney failure- It is a situation when the kidney of a patient fails due to some other related disease and untimely treatment to it. Two leading problems cause kidney failure in a person, and these are diabetes and high blood pressure. The situation can be controlled by taking some natural ayurvedic medication as it does not leave any brutal side effects on the health.

Kidney stones- Our urine carries some crystal-forming substances like calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. Also, it contains a substance that prevents these crystals from accumulating altogether. But in the absence of the latter, sometimes these crystals get accumulated together and cause kidney stones.

Acidosis- When our blood starts to lose bicarbonate in an excess amount or begin to produce excess acid in the blood, it creates the situation of acidosis. Acidosis also occurs when carbon dioxide starts to buildup in the blood. It makes our lungs to function poorly and even prompt breathing problems. Some ayurvedic hospitals like Karma Ayurveda suggest a diet that will help the patients to control the situation of acidosis.

Uremia- In most cases, chronic kidney disease leads to uremia. We can say that the irreversible and long-lasting problem in kidneys causes uremia. In this condition, our kidneys are unable to filter the waste and form urine. Ayurvedic nephrologist Dr. Puneet Dhawan suggests that herbs like gokharu, punarnava, and kasni are beneficial in conditions like uremia. Baking soda, carrot leaves, cornsilk, and watermelon seeds are some of the basic home remedies suggested by the dietitians at Karma Ayurveda for the detoxification of the kidneys. It helps the kidneys to work properly in a situation like uremia.

Azotemia- Azotemia is an injury or disease, causing damage to the kidneys. It is associated with the poor removal of nitrogen wastes from the kidneys. Any blood or urine test helps in the diagnosis of azotemia. Herbal medications that carry herbs like gokshura and punarnava in it can help in the treatment of this condition.

Kidney cysts- It is common in people who are 50 or above. Kidney cysts are generally inherited or caused due to the weakening of the kidneys over time.

Nephrotic syndrome- When the tiny blood vessels or glomeruli in our kidneys form clusters, it causes nephrotic syndrome. The healthy blood vessels hold the protein in the blood and prevent it from leak through urine, but unhealthy blood vessels work inappropriately and cause leakage of protein in the urine. This is called nephrotic syndrome. Many ayurvedic nephrologists and patients themselves believe that ayurvedic treatment to the nephrotic syndrome is the best remedy for this disease as it will provide you with long term results.

Hydronephrosis- When the kidneys become unable to drain the urine, it results in hydronephrosis. It causes swelling in one or both of the kidneys.
Polycystic kidney disease- PKD happens due to genetic flaws. The PKD motivates the cysts to grow inside the kidneys and makes the kidneys grow more significant than its standard size. It also damages the underlying tissues that make up the kidneys.

Acute nephritis- Infections causes acute nephritis, but the most common reason that causes nephritis is autoimmune disorders.

Chronic kidney disease- Diabetes and high blood pressure are the leading causes of this disorder, and it is a long-lasting disease.

Urinary tract infection- This infection affects the organs involved in the urinary tract and hence have different names of the infection based on the organ it takes place in. Cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis are the names of the UTI infections that happen in bladder, urethra, and kidneys, respectively. Bacteria Escherichia coli cause this infection, and it is found in the digestive system of a human body.

Pyelonephritis- It is a kidney infection that happens all of a sudden. It occurs when bacteria enters our body and multiplies and destroys organs like bladder and kidneys.

Ayurvedic tricks for healthy kidneys

Ayurveda is the best way to keep the kidneys and the body detoxified and fit. Karma Ayurveda suggests 30 minutes walk and low workout to keep the kidney healthy. Also, when it comes to diet, the dietitian suggests limiting the intake of sodium in food and the intake of nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and protein. Juices like apple and cranberry are good for health. It is also advised to drink a lot of water to keep you healthy during kidney problems and avoid the intake of soda. Sometimes the excess consumption of water may cause a problem to you depending on the kidney disorder.

Also, it is advised to ask your doctor before taking any herbs mentioned above, and it may cause problems for pregnant women.

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