Who Are Ayurvedic Nephrologists And What They Do?

Nephrologists are the doctors who study and deals with kidney or kidney-related issues. They provide medicines for the treatment of kidney disorders. They also deal with the diagnosis of kidney disease. Your kidneys are a pair of the organ that is responsible for performing many functions of your body. Your kidneys filter out toxins materials from your blood and excrete that waste materials through urine. They also promote bone and muscle health that is essential for the proper functioning of your body.

What is The Work of Nephrologists?

A nephrologist is a specialized doctor who has all the required knowledge to treat kidney patients. They know how kidneys work and about kidney dysfunction that can affect the functioning of your body. A normal doctor can treat early stages of kidney stages but when it goes to the advanced stage, then they usually refer to nephrologist’ for the treatment of further stages of kidney disease.

Who are Ayurvedic Nephrologists and what they do?

Ayurvedic nephrologists are the Ayurvedic doctors who treat their patients without using any surgical treatments like dialysis or kidney transplant. They use medicines that contain natural herbs that are powerful enough to tackle any disease naturally. They not only provide medicines, but they also provide a diet or routine chart for kidney patient. Sometimes allopathic doctors may suggest some dietary or routine change for the treatment of kidney disease, actually, these dietary change is a part of Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurvedic nephrologists usually recommend some of the dietary changes to treat kidney patients, and some of them are as follows:

• To restrict diet rich in sodium, phosphorus, and potassium. These minerals are essential for your body functions but when 
• Drink water as much as you can, as it can improve your kidneys health when you are experiencing any sort of renal infection
• Ayurvedic nephrologists always suggest at least 30 minutes of light exercise per day
• Add some fiber in your diet

Tests an Ayurvedic nephrologist might perform or recommend

If you are facing any kind of renal infection or renal disorder, then they may recommend some tests that will tell the exact situation of your kidneys. Some of the tests are as follows:

• Blood tests – In this test, a lab technician will take a blood sample to monitor the level of toxins in your blood. In this creatinine and blood urea level is measured to know the GFR or Glomerular filtration rate that determines the working of your kidneys. Lower the number, more your kidneys are damaged and lesser the number, more your kidneys are performing their functions. For instance, a GFR of 90 mg/dL reveals your kidney function is good, but GFR of 15 indicates kidney failure. 
• Urine tests – In this test, the urine sample is taken to determine the presence of abnormal amounts of blood, glucose, protein, or bacteria in your urine.
• 24-hour urine collection – This test is considered as the most difficult task to perform because a lab technician collects urine at regular interval of time during 24 hours. In some cases, when a condition is not diagnosed with the help of urinalysis, a 24-hour urine test is done. 
• Creatinine clearance – This test is performed to measure the amount of creatinine separated from your blood to your urine.
• Albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) – During this test, the amount of protein or urine is measured in your urine. The presence of an abnormal amount of protein in your urine indicates kidney failure.

The diseases which Ayurvedic nephrologists tackle

Ayurvedic kidney specialist treat the following disorders with the help of the goodness of natural herbs. Some of the diseases are as follows:

• Proteinuria
• End-stage renal disease
• Nephrotic syndrome
• Polycystic kidney disease or PKD
• Acute kidney disease
• Chronic kidney disease
• Creatinine

Ayurvedic nephrologists try to treat the above-mentioned conditions without using any surgical equipment or without using any hazardous treatment like dialysis and kidney transplant.

Why Ayurveda is a better option for your kidney disease?

Ayurvedic nephrologists try to avoid the surgical approaches like dialysis and kidney transplant and the medicines that can affect the functionality of other organs of your body. The ayurvedic treatment uses natural herbs like Punarnava, Gokshuradi, Dandelion, and many more that are strong enough to eliminate the root cause of kidney disease. Ayurveda is now considered as one of the leading medical therapies to treat any disease from its roots.

Who is the best Ayurvedic nephrologist in Delhi?

Dr. Puneet Dhawan is the finest Ayurvedic nephrologist in Delhi because he is providing the most reliable and most effective treatment for kidney failure without any side-effect on the organ of your body. He is practicing his expertise in his hospital, named Karma Ayurveda. Karma Ayurveda has cured more than 35000 kidney patients without any side-effect on any organ of your body.

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