Foods are the source of a healthy body, but sometime it may work more for your body. A healthy body means a body without diseases and healthy organs. Nowadays, kidney diseases are become very common due to unhealthy diet and hectic lifestyle. Our kidneys work to filter waste products, fluids, and toxins from the blood to eliminate them from our body through urine. Along with that, the kidneys also filter blood, produce hormones, and assist other important organs to work well. When the kidneys are not healthy enough to work well due to any disease or infection, then it may cause you with kidney failure and an unhealthy body. Therefore, it is vital for everyone to include underlying 4 food items in your meal to retrain the diseases or infections correlated to the kidneys.
Following are the 4 essential food items, which also known as Ayurvedic herbs to get relief or to prevent hazardous diseases.:
1. Garlic is very beneficial for us. It is a potent medicine that is why it gets a special place in Ayurveda. Garlic is also useful in getting rid of other diseases as well as kidney disease.
• Garlic control obnoxious cholesterol.
• Garlic is good for heart patients.
• Garlic is very helpful in controlling blood circulation.
• Garlic also keeps blood pressure under control.
• Garlic strengthens digestion due to which you will never have stomach related diseases, such as diarrhea and constipation.
• Garlic is also beneficial for diabetic patients. When garlic is crushed, during that time the antioxidant named Alicin comes out. This element does not allow sugar to grow in the body; diabetes is a leading cause of kidney disease.
• Garlic prevents inflammation in the body without doing any hard work.
These are some of the benefits of garlic, which is quite enough to explain how much garlic is necessary to sustain a healthy body with healthy kidneys.
2. An onion contains 86 percent protein and 13 percent of carbohydrates. In addition, one half cup onion contains elements like 3 mg sodium, 116 mg potassium, and 3 mg phosphorus. Which is quite beneficial for our body? Right.
With the daily use of onions, we can keep ourselves away from many diseases. The onion is not less than any medicine for us. In research, scientists have discovered that for the last 3 hours on freshly grounded onions, there is such a phenomenon called M which gives health and refreshment similar to the Sun's rays. Perhaps, for this reason, it has been given place in Ayurveda as a special medicine
Onion helps us to get rid of kidney disease easily, as well as from the following diseases:
• Blood pressure - By eating raw onions, our blood pressure remains in control. If your blood pressure is increasing, then it is a sign of kidney disease.
• Cholesterol - There are methyl sulfide and amino acids inside the onion. This element keeps our cholesterol under control, which decreases the risk of heart disease.
• Diabetes - By eating onions on a daily basis, insulin is produced in our body, which helps us to control diabetes.
• Urine related problems - In the event of kidney failure, patients experiencing difficulty in urinating. Like irritation, while urinating, frequent urination, etc. We can diagnose this problem with the help of onions. By eating onion, the decoction made from it, which helps you to get rid of from this problem.
• Eating-related diseases - Onion consumption also gives us freedom from stomach related diseases.
• Kidney stone- Another reason for the loss of the kidney is 'stone'. In order to avoid this problem, add onion in your meal or eat raw onion to prevent kidney stone.
3. Ginger is basically a spice, but there are highly vicious properties found in it, that is why it has been rated as a medicine in Ayurveda. The history of ginger in India is so old that the description is also found in the Vedas. Even before historical records, ginger was used as a spice and medicine in India as well as in China.
We use ginger generally in two forms, as fresh and second powder, while the ginger plant is used even during the worship. We use ginger as a spice to upgrade the taste of our meal. Along with that, in many diseases, it is used as a medicine. Ginger is a Ramaban Ayurvedic medicine. It not only helps in eliminating many diseases but also prevents the disease from occurring. Ginger contains many minerals and compounds that help in our health and well-being. The following properties are found in every 100 g ginger:
• Energy 333 kJ (80 kcal)
• Carbohydrates 17.77 g
• Sugar 1.7 g
• Dietary fiber 2 g
• Fat 0.75 g
• Protein 1.82 g
• Calcium 16 mg
• Iron 0.6 mg
• Magnesium 43 mg
• Potassium 415 mg
• Sodium 13 mg
In Ayurveda, ginger has been recognized as the most important medicine. It not only raises the taste of tea and food but also helps in our digestion and protects us from many other diseases as well. Ginger also prevents us from avoiding many diseases and preventing them from occurring. Ginger is beneficial for a person who is suffering from the following problems, which are somewhere correlated to the kidneys.
• Diabetes
• Obnoxious cholesterol
• Heart disease
• Unhealthy weight
• Stomachache
• Poor digestion
4. Cinnamon is an aromatic spice. It is sweet and brings fragrant in the food. This spice puts a pleasant aroma in every meal, its taste increases, and also keeps us safe from many diseases. Cinnamon is not only a spice, but it is also a medicine, in which the anti-oxidant properties present to restrain us from diseases.
Cinnamon gets very nutritious properties. It keeps us away from diseases correlated with the heart, cholesterol, skin diseases, cold colds, stomach disorders. Let's know what qualities are found in cinnamon:
• Calorie 19.1 (80.0 j - kJ)
• Fat 0.8 (3.3 of kJ - kJ)
• Protein 0.6 (2.5k - kJ)
• Total Carbohydrate 6.2g
• Dietary fiber 4.1g
• Sugar 0.2g
• Vitamin-A22.9IU
• Vitamin-C 0.3mg
• Vitamin B6-0.0mg
• Fotat 0.5mcg
• Vitamin-B 0.0mcg
• Pantothenic acid 0.0mg
• Calcium 77.7mg
• Iron 0.6mg
• Magnesium 4.7mg
• Phosphorous 5.0mg
• Potassium 33.4mg
• Sodium 0.8mg
• Copper 0.0mg
Cinnamon has many benefits because it saves us from the disease, which can cause us death. Cinnamon also prevents us from the problems associated with the kidneys. Along with that, it protects us from the following diseases.
• Blood Flow
• Diabetes
• Heart disease
• Obesity or overweight
• Bad digestion
• Skin problems
• Arthritis
These are the 4 main food items, which not only increase the taste of your meal but also work to prevent dangerous disease. All of them are used as herbs in Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure.